Final Review
Introduction This report reviews the outcomes of the deliverables and the measured impact. The project has been implemented at Sheffield Hallam University and the proposed deliverables target a group of students studying the Power Electronics module. A new curriculum framework is developed with the guidance of industrial partners, meetings with books authors and a survey.…
Meeting with Weidong Xiao
Weidong Xiao is the author of two popular books Xiao, W. (2020). Power Electronics Step-by-Step: Design, Modeling, Simulation, and Control. Australia: McGraw-Hill Education. Xiao, W. (2017). Photovoltaic Power System: Modeling, Design and Control. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Dr. Walid met Dr Weidong on 15th April 2022 for 4 hours to discuss with him the recent results of…
A Way to Freelancing in Power Electronics
Usually, the graduate students start looking for jobs after graduation or further studies to continue their career development and progression. The common route for those who want to go to work is to apply to job advertisements and go through interviews and jump over years from one recruiter to another. To increase employability chances and…
University of Sheffield Intervention
Dr. Walid Issa has contacted Dr Mahmoud Masoud from the University of Sheffield as part of an exploitation plan to bring their awareness about the project’s aim and its outcome. Dr Masoud explored more the conducted activities at Sheffield Hallam and the developed gate driver and the educational kit. As a response he has worked…
Nexperia Visit
On the 22nd of March 2022, Stein Hans Nesbakk from Nexperia visited Sheffield Hallam University during one of the developed workshops to achieve awareness about the required skills and knowledge in the discipline and also to prob the students’ understanding after they have gone through the developed curriculum. Dr. Walid started introducing him to the…
Developing an educational kit
The developed coursework during the delivery of Power Electronics Module has been designed to improve the students experience dealing with information and knowledge at the component level and system level. Part A in the coursework is an assessment of 3-4 power switches varies from Si MOSFET, Si IGBT to SiC MOSFET. The assessment includes the…
Meeting with industrial partners
One of the identified gaps in the PEMD industry is the use of outdated or inappropriate teaching materials at universities that enable the industry to obtain skilled and talented graduates. Dr. Walid Issa organized and met with two of the supporting industries to help to identify the required skills and knowledge for the PEMD industry…
Project Launch
This project responded to contribute to filling the gaps in skills, talent and training for the power electronics, machines and drives (PEMD) industry. It is funded via the competition: Driving the electric revolution – building talent for the future. Motivation Power electronics is too often a hidden industry that contributes nearly £50bn annually to the…